Congregations across North America have splintered over the decisions of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. This has created a growing number of mission start-up churches. While funding these by the District will not likely be a possibility, Congregational Services exists to help, support, guide and partner with new congregations that want to join LCMC and/or associate with the Augustana District. Additionally, Congregational Services is responsible for public relations, publicity, and any and all means of “getting the word out” about Augustana.
The Congregational Visioning Process is a tool congregation’s may use to process congregational discernment.
Where is God leading your congregation? How do we discern?
This process uses prayer, scripture, and mutual conversation as the components that work toward a collective consensus of where God is leading. Feel free to adapt it to fit your own needs.
The LCMC Group Health Plan is available to clergy members and W-2 employees of LCMC that are working twenty (20) hours or more per week. To be eligible to enroll, participants and/or the church and entity they serve must be on the LCMC roster, or be associated with a rostered LCMC church (such as a school or daycare).
As the plan advisors to the LCMC Group Health Plan, Hahn Financial Group, Inc. is here to serve. We are your ‘back office’ for administration of the program, and to help answer questions as they occur. If interested in learning more about the LCMC Group Health Plan, you can review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage below, but please reach out to the Hahn Financial Group, Inc. directly for an in-depth conversation!
Protecting Christian Ministries Brotherhood Mutual provides innovative insurance coverage and risk management resources specifically designed for ministries.
We are now offering assistance with Church Salary reports for Church Staffing.
Here’s how it works:
Augustana District
335 Main St S
Hutchinson MN 55350
Note: The newsletter is sent on the first Friday of every month and the newsletter deadline is the Monday prior to that Friday.