Church Links

The three words that best describe the primary focus of the Augustana District are: Theology, Church and Mission. We exist to serve congregations of LCMC by tending to theology, serving the practical needs of congregations and actively promoting and coordinating mission ventures. Our District Council, four boards, part-time service coordinator and support staff assist the district in carrying out these commitments.

“Sinners are made right with God by grace alone through faith alone on account of Christ alone. This is the article of faith by which the church stands or falls.”[1]

1 Augustana IV; Smalcald, Part II, Article 1: “Nothing in this article can be given up or compromised.”

Church Staff Openings

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Pulpit Supply & Interim Support

Prayer Warriors

Roster of Churches

Women of the Word

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Contact The Augustana District Office

Or call us at 320.234.8403 or email us at [email protected]