First Call Retreat

May 1 - 2, 2025
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Convocation of the Cross

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2025 Confirmation Retreat
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2025 Confirmation Retreat
Registration is open. The deadline to register is Feb 14, 2025. Space is limited so don't wait!
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Introducing Our New Coordinator
The Augustana District Council is excited to announce that Pastor Aaron Deutsch, of Resurrection Lutheran in Mankato, MN, has accepted the position of District Coordinator! You can meet Pr. Deutsch at the LCMC Gathering or reach him via email at [email protected]
Position Openings
The District Council is now accepting resumés for the District Theology Coordinator (DTC) and the District Mission and Stewardship Coordinator (DMSC) through October 31. Augustana District Clergy are encouraged to prayerfully consider joining the AD team in one of these part-time positions.

We are a District of congregations within LCMC who are free in Christ, accountable to one another and rooted in the scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

Augustana District Core Values

The three words that best describe the primary focus of the Augustana District are Theology, Church, and Mission. We exist to serve congregations of LCMC by tending to theology, serving the practical needs of congregations, and actively promoting and coordinating mission ventures. Our District Council, four boards, part-time service coordinator, and support staff assist the district in carrying out these commitments.


“The Word of God is Jesus Christ[2], the proclamation of him[3], and the Holy Scriptures[4]. This Word functions as both law and gospel, which need to be distinguished, but not separated. The law orders society and convicts us of sin, showing us our need for a Savior[5]. The gospel is the power of God that liberates us from sin, death, and the power of the devil, and brings us, by grace, from death to life[6].

2 John 1:1, 14, 3 Matthew 18:20; I , John 1:1, 2, 4 II Timothy 3:16, 5 Smalcald, Part III, Article II. The Law, 6 Romans 1:16


Sinners are made right with God by grace alone through faith alone on account of Christ alone. This is the article of faith by which the church stands or falls.”[1]

1 Augustana IV; Smalcald, Part II, Article 1: “Nothing in this article can be given up or compromised.”


Christ commanded that his Word be proclaimed[7]. Through it, the Holy Spirit works faith when and where he pleases[8] and repentant sinners are elected unto salvation. Christians live out their earthly lives as totally justified and totally sinful[9].

7 Luke24:46-47, 8 Romans 10:17; Augustana V; Small Catechism Part II, Third Article. , 9 Smalcald, Part III, Article III. Penitence.


Theological Conference

To download the video click here.

“There is one body and one Spirit, as you were called to the one hope…”


Tabor Project

The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) is a national Church in Ethiopia proclaiming the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. The EECMY is the largest Lutheran Church in Africa with some five million members.

Augustana District is called to stand with EECMY to support evangelists, to provide EECMY Seminarian support, and to purchase bicycles and motorcycles for evangelists to travel to communities to spread the Gospel. Three worship centers are in the process of construction, one in a very challenging Muslim community.



As a district, we are supporting 4 pastors at $125/month. These pastors are preaching the Gospel to Muslims in northern India and the harvest is great!

Would you, or your congregation like to sponsor a pastor at $125/mo., or $375/quarter?

The District sends quarterly payments of $1,500 to AIMJ, All India Masihi Jamat.

Financial Matters

We continue to give thanks to God for the Augustana District congregations and appreciate your financial support!

THANK YOU to the congregations that have supported the district so far this year. I would like to challenge those congregations that have not yet supported the district financially to prayerfully consider doing so. The district operates primarily through congregational support. That support is used to provide important and helpful services to district congregations.

In 2022 the district made changes to the overall budget. The primary change was to make the Service Coordinator position full-time. Several one-time gifts were given in support of this change for which we are thankful. This budget change, however, needs sustaining support. In the first quarter of our 2023-2024 fiscal year, we are operating at a net loss of -$15,700. The district needs your sustaining gifts to meet this ongoing challenge and need.

Niki Pokornowski, Augustana District Financial Coordinator

Please consider donating today…

Or send a check made payable to:

Augstana District
c/o Niki Pokornowski
335 Main St S
Hutchinson MN 55350

We, the Augustana District, (located in Hutchinson, MN), are an active district of the LCMC (located in Canton, MI). You may find more information about supporting LCMC at or you can reach LCMC via email at [email protected], or by phone at 734.207.5400. Please do not send LCMC support to Augustana District. Thank you!

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6
2020 Initiative

“Youth Leadership, Campus Ministry, Church Plants”

We are happy to report that over $28,605 has been raised to support the AD 2020 Initiative as of July 31, 2021. One of the inspiring success stories of this initiative is the new “Table Ministry” in Sioux Falls, South Dakota led by Pastor Erica Varcoe. While we are thankful for this special giving, we can’t forget to support our AD General Fund as well. 

DID YOU KNOW that you, or your congregation, can financially support the district in a number of ways? It’s true! See all the ways here!

Help Support The 2020 Initiative

Augustana District
c/0 2020 Initiative Fund
335 Main St. S.
Hutchinson, MN 55350

Please specify “2020 Initiative” in the memo section.

Or you can donate online now:

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Engage With Us

Get In Touch

Augustana District
335 Main St S
Hutchinson MN 55350

Newsletter Registration

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Note: The newsletter is sent on the first Friday of every month and the newsletter deadline is the Monday prior to that Friday.

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Contact The Augustana District Office

Or call us at 320.234.8403 or email us at [email protected]